‘A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life…’
The huge and well stocked library of Modern School makes this great adage come alive. This spacious orderly room is standardized for Senior and Junior students of our campus. It helps in feeding the mind of young learners by giving them a wide variety of encyclopedias, classics, journals, reference books and latest periodicals to choose from. The objective of our librarians, has always been to inculcate and enhance the reading habit among the students. This treasure of knowledge thus offers NUTRIMENTUM SPIRITUS- ‘food for the soul’.
The library is pivotal in developing a 21st century learner. It is a fundamental resource for supporting learning for students and a key support for the teaching staff.
An Auditorium has been constructed in the school for the benefit of our pupils. All kinds of imaginations open up when you behold our enthralling and avant-garde auditorium. It is an acknowledgement of the destitution of space to seat students, teachers and parents alike. Not a single pillar obstructs the panoramic view of the center screen. It is used in a multi-dimensional manner – As a theatre - to present educational movies toModernites. As a Lecture room - to provide access to global speakers and various society heads to address the students. As a Communication platform - to lodge open-house interactive sessions for parents and teachers.